
Bridžetas Džounsas gay best friend Toms pazaudējis telefonu, un tas ir nokļuvis miskastē. Viņa tam dodas pakaļ.

Ended up flinging long leather jacket on top of bra and knickers and going out into street to wait till Tom rang the phone so could find out which [bin] it was in. Was just standing on wall peering into the dustbins when a familiar voice said, 'Hello.'
Turned round and there was Mark Darcy.
'What are you doing?' he said.
'I'm waiting for the dustbin to ring,' I replied with dignity, pulling jacket around self.
'I see.' There was a pause. 'Have you been waiting... long?'
'No,' I said carefully. 'A normal amount of time.'
Just then one of the dustbins started to ring. 'Ah, that'll be for me,' I said and started to try to reach into it.
'Please allow me,' Mark said [..], reached into the dustbin and picked out the phone.
'Bridget Jones's phone,' he said. 'Yes, of course, I'll put her on.'
He handed it to me. 'It's for you.'

Helen Fielding "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason"


  1. Daudzi saka, ka otrā grāmata ir draņķīgāka par pirmo, bet man abas divas šķiet lieliskas - kaut vai tikai šīs epizodes dēļ vien.

    1. Nu, man arī pirmā patīk nedaudz labāk. Nezinu pat, kāpēc.
      Starp citu, mans atklājums (jo es esmu augusi mucā), kad pārlasīju otro grāmatu... Zināju, ka pirmā ir moderna 'Pride and Prejudice' interpretācija. Izrādās, ka otrā grāmata ir veidota līdzīga Ostinas 'Persuasion'.
